
Seminar at PAG - Presentation of PAG's Internship Students

Intern Seongbong Han (Yonsei University) gave a seminar titled “Mie scattering code development”. Additionally, intern Hyeon Ju Kang (Yonsei University) talked about her current progress in a seminar titled “Characterization of small-scale UV contrast at Venus’ cloud top level”. We congratulate our intern students who conducted successful research this summer.

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August 27, 2024

Seminar at PAG - The path-tracing simulation of the Light-Field Camera

Dr. Minbae Kim, a research technician at PAG, gave a seminar titled “The path-tracing simulation of the Light-Field Camera for Lunar surface exploration”.

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August 20, 2024

Seminar at PAG - Current progress in studying light-scattering properties of aerosols in the atmosphere of Venus

Dr. Evgenij Zubko, a senior researcher at PAG, discussed his current progress in studying the light-scattering properties of aerosols in the Venusian atmosphere.

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August 6, 2024

(Korean Media) Round Table at the Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (EKC2024)

The Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (EKC2024) was held at Coventry, UK, on July 30 - August 02. One of the sessions was a panel discussion about “Fostering Global Scientific Partnerships in Basic Science - The European-Korean Connection”. Korean media news: Money Today

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July 30, 2024

PSSE2024 - Korean Media Interview

We held a media interview on the last day of PSSE2024, 25th July in Daejeon with about 15 reporters in Korea. 6 invited speakers joined the interview and shared insight and personal research interest that can be done with Korean community. An example of Korean media news: Yonhap news

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July 25, 2024

COSPAR 2024, 45th Scientific Assembly

The Planetary Atmospheres Group (PAG) from the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) participated as a sponsor in the last Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Assembly carried out in BEXCO, Busan, South Korea. Three members of our group, Dr. Yeon Joo Lee, Dr. Evgenij Zubko, and Dr. Jose Silva, discussed their ongoing research during the scientific sessions that included Venus science, planetary atmospheres, and small bodies in the Solar System. Also, three members of our group, Dr.

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July 19, 2024

Seminar at PAG - Modeling and Observation of Gravity Waves in Planetary Atmospheres

Prof. Erdal Yigit (George Mason University) visited PAG and introduced his ongoing research. Prof. Yigit discussed the role of gravity waves in the dynamics of planetary atmospheres, their thermal effects, as well as the implications of dust storms and gravity waves for the atmospheric escape.

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July 11, 2024

Seminar at PAG - Variability and Planetary-Scale Waves on Venus

Dr. Semyeong Oh, a senior researcher at PAG, gave a seminar titled “Variability and Planetary-Scale Waves on Venus”.

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July 2, 2024

Seminar at PAG - Extraterrestrial Volcanism

Prof. Hyunwoo Lee (Seoul National University) visited PAG and introduced his ongoing research. Title: Extraterrestrial Volcanism, Volcanism in the Inner Solar System Prof. Lee analyzed evidence of features in the surface morphology of Venus, Mars, Mercury, the Moon and some icy satellites of the outer solar system, which can be interpreted as a possible indication of volcanic activity similar to that found in different places on Earth.

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June 19, 2024

2024 4th Venus Data Workshop [online]

PAG plans its fourth Data Workshop. This workshop will explain images at 10 µm of Venus (see the sample image above), which provides atmospheric temperature information, ~65 km above the surface. The Longwave Infrared Camera (LIR) acquired the sample image from the Akatsuki Venus orbiter, operating since 2015. The global-scale atmospheric wave is clearly visible on the Venus disk’s left half (note that Venus’s radius is 6,052 km). The source of the wave is the high mountains on the surface (1-5 km elevation), implying the important surface influence on the planet’s atmosphere.

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May 1, 2024

Seminar at PAG - Introduction of BOAO/SPECTR and Its Transmission Spectroscopy Results of Two Hot Jupiters, HD 189733b and Qatar-8b

A PhD candidate Yeonho Choi (KASI, UST) visited PAG and introduced his ongoing research. Title: Introduction of BOAO/SPECTR and its transmission spectroscopy results of two hot Jupiters, HD 189733b and Qatar-8b

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April 9, 2024

Welcome New Member at PAG

A new member joined PAG on 1st April, Dr. Rommy L. S. E. Aliste Castillo. Welcome, Dr. Aliste Castillo! As of April 2024, PAG has 10 members: six researchers, an invited researcher, and three internship students.

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April 1, 2024

Seminar at PAG - Experimental and Observational Astrophysics, Perspectives in Radio Astronomy

Prof. Junhan Kim (KAIST, Physics Department) visited PAG and introduced his research. Title: Experimental and Observational Astrophysics: Perspectives in Radio Astronomy

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March 27, 2024

Paper Review at PAG - Three-dimensional Turbulence-resolving Modeling of the Venusian Cloud Layer and Induced Gravity Waves

PAG’s internship student, Hyeonju Kang, reviewed a paper by Lefevre et al. 2017, entitled “Three-dimensional turbulence-resolving modeling of the Venusian cloud layer and induced gravity waves” (

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March 27, 2024

Paper Review at PAG - Atmospheres of Rocky Exoplanets

Dr. Semyeong Oh, a senior researcher at PAG, reviewed multiple papers, including “Atmospheres of Rocky Exoplanets” (Wordsworth and Kreidberg, 2022,

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March 12, 2024

MoU with the BK21 Four Institute of Earth, Atmosphere, Astronomy at Yonsei Univserity

PRC for Climate and Earth Science made MoU with the BK21 Four Institute of Earth, Atmosphere, Astronomy at Yonsei Univserity. The MoU aims at establishing research collaboration, broadening international research network, and providing education opportunities. The MoU is valid for the coming 4 years, and extendable.

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March 8, 2024

Paper Review at PAG - Thermal Tides in the Upper Cloud Layer of Venus as Deduced from the Emission Angle Dependence of the Brightness Temperature by Akatsuki/LIR

PAG’s internship student, Sae Eun Cheon, reviewed a paper by Akiba et al. 2021, entitled “Thermal tides in the upper cloud layer of Venus as deduced from the emission angle dependence of the brightness temperature by Akatsuki/LIR” (

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February 27, 2024

Seminar at PAG - On Depolarization of Light Scattered by Gaseous Molecules

Dr. Evgenij Zubko, a senior researcher of PAG, gave a seminar, entitled “On depolarization of light scattered by gaseous molecules”.

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February 13, 2024

Seminar at PAG - Venus Revealed, the Collaborative Effort of Amateur Astronomers in Atmospheric Studies

Dr. Javier Peralta visited PAG and introduced his research. Dr. Peralta is working at the department of Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics in the Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. Title: Venus Revealed: The Collaborative Effort of Amateur Astronomers in Atmospheric Studies

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February 2, 2024

Completion of the 2023 International Venus Observation Campaign

Planetary Atmospheres Group (PAG) thanks our international collaborators for joining the 2023 campaign. BepiColombo’s PHEBUS took the faraway Venus data, and Akatsuki’s UVI continuously monitored Venus. In total ten instruments from the ground joined the campaign: Bohyeonsan’s 4kCCD, BOES and SPECTR spectrometers, Seoul National University’s CCD imager (SAO), Calar Alto observatory 1.23 DLR-CCD imager, STELLA imager, Chungbuk National University observatory’s CCD imager, Nayoro observatory’s polarization imager, Ussuriysk Astrophysical Observatory’s polarization imager.

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February 1, 2024

Seminar at PAG - CLOVE Project

Dr. Yeon Joo Lee, CI of PAG, introduced the Project of PAG, “Chasing the Long-term Variability of Our Nearest Neighbor Planet Venus (CLOVE)” Title: CLOVE project

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January 30, 2024

Seminar at PAG - Small Satellite Technology and Operation for Remote Sensing

Prof. Zizung Yoon (Korea Aerospace Univ., previously TU Berlin) visited PAG and introduced the up-to-date news about small satellite technology. Title: Small satellite technology and operation for remote sensing

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January 23, 2024

Paper Review at PAG - Cloud and Haze of Venus

PAG’s intership student, Siwoo Jung, reviewed a paper, entitled “Cloud and Haze of Venus” (Titve et al. 2018, over two weeks.

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January 9, 2024

[Mini-workshop] 13-14 Dec 2023, Planetary Atmospheric Studies Using Theory and Remote Observations

Planetary atmospheric studies using theory and remote observations Mini-workshop at IBS/PAG 13-14 Dec 2023 (Hybrid workshop)

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December 13, 2023

2023-2 Online Venus Data Workshop

We invite you to our third online data workshop. Our workshop introduces how to access publicly available Venus data. The goals of our data workshops are (1) lowering a barrier for researchers to access recent Venus data and (2) providing chances for students to join internship opportunities in our group, PAG/IBS, Daejeon. Our data workshops are held regularly, 2 times per year (May and November). The materials can be shared with the participants after the workshop upon request.

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November 10, 2023

Invitation to the 2023 International Venus Observation Campaign

For more details, visit the IBS news. Planetary Atmospheres Group (PAG) within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) is organizing a 2023 Venus atmosphere observation campaign. The PAG-IBS team, led by Dr. LEE Yeon Joo, also invites international telescope teams to collaborate for Venus disk data acquisition from September to October 2023. This campaign will offer a unique opportunity to study the atmosphere of the Earth’s twin simultaneously from three different locations in the solar system.

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July 6, 2023

PAG's outreach activity at the Daejeon Observatory in Korean (2/2)

2023 대전시민천문대-IBS/PAG 협력, 두번째 - 한국어 금성 특강 제목: 관측으로 추적하는 금성의 변화 (IBS 이연주) 일시: 2023년 6월 9일(금) 20시 장소: 대면 / 대전시민천문대 세미나실 (40명)

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June 9, 2023

PAG's outreach activity at the Daejeon Observatory

PAG has collaborated with the staff at the Daejeon Observatory (대전시민천문대) for public outreach activities, and its main telescope of the observatory aims at Venus! Our second outreach event took place on May 17th at the Daejeon Civil Observatory. Dr. Jose Silva was our enthusiastic guide for the evening and presented celestial objects, including Venus. His presentation was delivered in English, attracting foreign visitors from IBS and expanding the audience base in Daejeon.

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May 17, 2023

PAG's outreach activity at the Daejeon Observatory in Korean (1/2)

PAG has collaborated with the staff at the Daejeon Civil Observatory for public outreach activities. On 30th April, we hosted our first outreach activity at the Daejeon Civil Observatory, with Dr. Yeon Joo Lee as the keynote speaker. Her presentation was in Korean and about clouds on Earth and Venus. Thanks to all participants and the team at the observatory. The observatory generously provided quiz awards for the young attendees.

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April 30, 2023